Friday, January 1, 2016

Seasons Giving Blog Hop Year 4

I love this blog hop. There is nothing better than paying it forward and I love being a part of this. It's the 4th year in a row now and once again this blog hop is chuck full of giving! A huge shout out to Latisha for all her organization with this event. 

I have a great package of goodies too send to one lucky winner! All you need to do is:
  • Leave a comment on this post, telling me something you are grateful for. Easy Peasy. 
  • Please play fair, one comment per person. 
  • USA only please. 
  • Contest ends Jan.4, 2016
  • I will announce the winner here midnight on Jan.5
Here is the prize package I am giving away to one lucky reader!

And because this is a creative post, I thought I should leave you with a card to kick off the New Year! I used some Reverse Confetti products to make this wintry hello card for you. 

I started with the Documented Confetti Cut and the green chevron paper. I added a layered tree from the Branched Out Confetti Cut (I trimmed off the scalloped bottom) and the Hello Confetti Cut

Thanks so much for stopping by my blog. I am always grateful for YOU! 
Here is the full list of participants hopping today. 
Everyone has their own prize package.
How cool is that??!!
So much goodness happening today, check it out!

Lawn Fawn

Scrapbook Cards & Today Magazine

Scrapbook Adhesives by 3L

Reverse Confetti

Technique Tuesday

CAS-ual Friday Stamps

Verve Stamps

Donna Salazar

Richard Garay


Stamp Simply Ribbon Store

Inchie Arts

Avocado Arts

OHscrap (Bossy Joscie)

Rubermoon Stamps

Latina Crafter

A Jillian Vance Design


Your Everyday Stamps

Latisha Yoast

AJ Otto

Kimberly Crawford

Julia Stainton

Laurie Willison

Teri Anderson

Jennifer Gallacher

Vera Yates

Wanda Guess

Nichol Magouirk

Kelly Klapstein

Anabelle O’Malley

Kim Watson

Chari Moss

Laura Bassen

Lydia Fiedler

Lisa Adametz

Alice Wertz

Daniela Dobson

Jenn Shurkus

Lori Craig

Amy Tsuruta

Lisa Henke<--you are here

Margie Higuchi

Lee Murphy

Lori Tecler

Dina Kowal

Loretta Lock

Darsie Bruno

Marcie Sharp

Veronica Zalis

Barbara Anders

Maria Levine

Dana Joy

Melody Rupple

Keri Sereika

Asia King

Jennifer Ingle

Yvonne Van de Grijp

Beth Pingry

Erica Houghton

Mary-Ann Maldonado

Piali Biswas

Ashley Newell

Nicole Maki

Julee Tilman

Leigh Penner

Christina Griffiths

Lindsay Amrhein

Laura Williams

Debbie Seyer

Christine Emberson

Kerry Urbatch

Linda Lucas

Tosha Leyendekker

Giovana Smith

Bunny Vance

Stacey Schafer

Lee Ann Barrett

Ruby Naz

Julie Dinn

Jill Hawkins

Christiana Reulling

Jodi Collins

Gracie Chavez

Michelle Woerner

Tania Willis

Karisse Schilling

Lori McAree

Ashley Harris

Emily Leiphart

Heidi Blankenship

Coralynn Murray

Tenia Nelson

Pretty Philosophie

Jillian Vance

Misti Oblander



  1. What a darling card. This is a great blog hop! HAPPY NEWS YEAR!! Thanks

  2. I'm grateful that I can sit here and enjoy seeing such lovely cards on this awesome blog hop! Thank you!

  3. Love your tree card! I'm grateful for my health, my home and a job. Thank you so much for the opportunity to win your goodies.

  4. I'm grateful for my family. Happy New Year!

  5. I am so grateful for my family. Thanks so much for a chance to win.

  6. I'm grateful for my health. very, very important.

  7. Lovely cards shown, i am just grateful to wake up every morning .

  8. I am grateful for my faith, family and friends! Happy New Year to you.

  9. What an awesome blog hop! Thanks for the chance to win! I am grateful for family and friends

  10. Love your card and love seeing you again. I miss the Ippity blog hops:-) Happy New Year to you...

  11. Easy peasy I'm most grateful for the love and support of my family

  12. What a beautiful card as I love the colors you used (my favorite)! I'm grateful for my husband and my pup. My best wishes to you for a crafty 2016!!

  13. I love your card. I am grateful for my family. Happy New Year!

  14. I am grateful for another day to live, laugh, and love. One of my goals for 2016 is to work on my CAS style. I love the boldness of your designs! Thanks for the chance to win! Come and see what I've done lately!

  15. Grateful that we have precious time to craft and make gifts for friends and loved ones.

  16. Lovely card -- I thought your chevron paper was actually from a different collection! I love your card! I spent a day in my "Journal Your Christmas" album on Gratitude and one of the new things I'm grateful for this year is my boss(!) He's very young and absolutely wonderful! Patient and kind and supportive and smart and really good about managing someone who has 32 years of experience.

  17. Beautiful card, love the soft greens and pretty font of the "hello"! I'm grateful for my family, good health, and a hobby that blesses others!

  18. Grateful to people like yourself who share their creativity!

  19. Awesome prize giveaway! Thanks so much for the chance to win! Happy new year… God bless!

  20. Happy New Year everyone. Thank you for the giveaway!

  21. I woke up to fresh snow this morning... so I'm extra grateful for a warm home! :)

  22. Lisa, love your wintery card! It's so pretty!
    Happy New Year!!!!

  23. Terrific card, love the colors and the chevron paper! I am grateful for a healthy and happy family.

  24. Love the green chevron paper background.
    Happy New Year and blessings to you.

  25. Adore that tree and your card! Blessings for a fabulous 2016!

  26. Happy New Year and thanks so much for the great giveaways.
    Lovely cards....cute tree.

  27. Happy New Year!! Your card is just darling! Thanks so much for participating in this amazing blog hop and for the chance to win some wonderful goodies!!

  28. Happy New Year! Beautiful card, and love the snow card in the post above too! Thanks for participating in this blog hop!

  29. Well one thing I'm grateful for is your givings. Another is my Friends.

  30. Love your little tree and the stripes. Thanks for the chance to win your prize!

  31. Thankful for any time I get with my parents. The world.s greatest...

  32. very nice card
    and great prize and blog hop!
    thank you for the chance!
    Happy new year!
    Bad Kitty's Craftroom

  33. I love this card! So cute! I am thankful for my wonderful husband with whom I celebrated 15 years of marriage yesterday and my wonderful little puppy, Morgan.

  34. Thankful to spend Christmas with my mom of 85 years! She is amazing!

  35. Adorable card and great prize giveaway! I'm thankful for my crafty friends with their inspiration! Happy, Happy 2016!

  36. So glad I found your blog.

    I am grateful for my education and the ability to read.

  37. I am thankful for a healthy family.

  38. Happy new year! I'm grateful for my husband and son, every single day. Love your blog! Best wishes on 2016.

  39. I am grateful that I can still craft with my friends and family. I turned 75 in August and I'm still healthy and feisty. thanks for the offer of a gift.
    Happy New Year

  40. Fantastic giveaway - thanks! I'm thankful for my job as a teacher. Happy New Year!

  41. Happy New Year! Fabulous Giveaway, thanks!

    I am grateful for creativity!

    Carol B

  42. I'm grateful for contentment. Happy New Year!

  43. I'm grateful for everything ... too hard to list just one. Fantastic hop and prizes. Thank you.

  44. I'm so very grateful for all of my blessings!!! I adore all of your creations!

  45. Beautiful cards! Have a warm and crafty New Year!

  46. LOVE that tree/hello card!! I'm thankful for my family!

  47. Your card is so cute! I am thankful for my friends. We are closer than family.

  48. Your card is so cute! I am thankful for my friends. We are closer than family.

  49. Beautiful card. Thank you for the chance to win. thankful for family and friends.

  50. Thank you for the chance to win.

    I am grateful for my husband - for putting up with me and loving me for who I am. :-)

    Happy New Year!

  51. Happy New Year!!! I am very grateful my grandson Wyatt for being born in June 2015! They doctors kept twelling us that we were going to lose him.

  52. Beautiful card. Love the design/layout. I am grateful that we are all in good health. Happy New Year.

  53. I am grateful for my family and friends. Thanks for the giveaway and happy new year.

  54. I am grateful for my kids. They keep me on my toes and always make me crack up. Thanks for the chance to win.

  55. I am grateful for my family. Happy 2016!!!

  56. What a great card and an amazing prize package! Thanks for the chance to win!
    Like so many others, I'm so very thankful for my wonderful family. I'm blessed!
    ~Krissy F
    krisfoss at Comcast dot net

  57. Great blog hop and amazing prize package! Thank you for the chance to win! I am thankful for my family and friends!

  58. I am grateful for my sweet and sassy 21 month old. Happy New Year to You!

  59. I am grateful for a new grandchild and a new SIL this past year.

  60. I am grateful to have family members that are involved in my life .

  61. I'm grateful for so many things. I'm so grateful for my kids.

  62. Fun card and great giveaway!!!

  63. Such a cute card and an awesome giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win. I am extremely grateful for my family.

  64. I am grateful for a healthy family

  65. Fabulous cards!! I am grateful for my mom!

  66. Happy New Year! Thank you for this wonderful blog hop! So much fun and so many amazing prizes and inspiration. I'm so very grateful for my husband!

  67. This comment has been removed by the author.

  68. Interesting card and great blog hop. I am grateful for my health.


  69. Sweet card and fab prize package! I'm grateful for my loving family!

  70. I am grateful for my daughter. Thanks for the giveaway

  71. What a great giveaway - thanks so much for a chance.

  72. I am so grateful to have had my brother, Tim, in my life for 51 years. RIP my brother-- what an inspiration!

  73. what a generous giveaway. thanks for participating . happy new year.

  74. I'm so grateful for my amazing Lord and Savior's love and care. Happy New Year.

  75. Love your fun card! Grateful for my good health and that I was able to retire in 2015!

  76. Lovely card! Love the colors and the design! I'm grateful for my wonderful and understanding family ♥ Wishing you and yours a most blessed 2016 ♥♥

  77. I am so very grateful for friends and family. I am also grateful for the love of God. Thank you for this blog hop. Happy New Year!

  78. I am grateful for my family, my improved health and finances.

  79. Hello!!! I am grateful that I have such great teenagers and a husband that is kind. I am very blessed! I hope you have a fabulous New year!!

  80. Beautiful card, Lisa! I'm grateful for my family.

  81. Beautiful CAS card. I am from teh Netherlands but have Family how lives in the Us.You can use that adress if I win.[and I love too]
    Thanks for the chance.

    1. Sure that would work for me, happy new year!

  82. Happy New Year 2016!! I'm grateful I'm healed of a medical condition after 11 years.

  83. I'm grateful for grandchildren that love unconditionally <3 Happy New Year Lisa!!

  84. I adore all of Confetti's stamps and dies they are the cutest!
    Your card is super sweet. Happy 2016 to you!

  85. Thank you for being part of this fun hop! I love all the inspiration! Happy New Year!

  86. Fantastic inspiration. Thanks for the chance at goodies.

  87. happy new year! I am thankful for my family for their love and support

  88. I am grateful to be here for 2016!

  89. Great blog hop and prize package!!! Happy New Year!!

  90. I am so grateful for the love and support from my family.

  91. I am grateful for my family... every single one of them!

    Cute card to kick off the new year! Thanks for being a part of this FANTASTIC blog hop. I just love seeing all the talent! I am also grateful for this blog hop!

    HAPPY NEW YEAR and much success in 2016!

  92. I am grateful to be a part of the amazing and loving crafting community! There are no strangers in this community, only new friends to be made!
    Happy New Year!

  93. I am grateful that we live in a free and democratic country.

  94. I'm so grateful for family. We lost my husband's twin brother in August and it makes you realize how precious family is. Thanks for all your inspiration this past year. Wishing you a happy and blessed 2016!

  95. Sweet wintery card Lisa. Love the tree and die-cut word. I am so grateful for my family and that I have my savior Jesus Christ in my heart.

  96. Awesome card!!
    Happy New Year!!
    And I'm grateful for my family!

  97. I am grateful for the fact that my whole family was together in September for our youngest daughter's wedding.

  98. I am grateful for the time I spent with family during the summer especially with my aunt who passed away a month later.
    Happy New Year. Thank you for the prize.

  99. Lovely card. I'm grateful for my wonderful husband and my family.

  100. we are grateful for our daughters new marriage and our wonderful new son in law. Your blog is fantasctic. Thanks for the great gift offer and the chance to win. Happy New Year!

  101. Gorgeous card! I am grateful everyday for my wonderful husband and sweet children! Wish you a very happy 2016!

  102. Great card! I am grateful for my family!

  103. I love this hop because I am meeting lots of new crafters! Well, they aren't new.... lol .... they are just new to me! Nice to meet you. LOVE Reverse Confetti - I see you are part of that talented crew. OH, I was grateful this year that my daughter in law was healthy. She has cystic fibrosis and we worry about her! YOU have a great new year!

  104. Thanks for taking part in this fun blog hop and for the great prize package you are offering! I love your sweet winter card, too!
    I am so grateful for Jesus and the salvation He offers all who believe in Him!
    Best wishes for a very blessed 2016.

  105. What a great way to start the year! I love this blog hop :)

    Thanks for offering this prize package! I am grateful for my health and family (and I need to remember that more often).

    All the best in 2016!

  106. Thanks for sharing your card. As goes the common thread, I am most grateful for, with all the ups and downs, my 4 generations of living family - and all of those that went before.

  107. I am grateful for so many things, but most importantly I am grateful that my husbands health is improving!

  108. I'm grateful for so many things! I'm grateful for my wonderful husband and two beautiful daughters.

  109. I'm grateful for my BFF who has helped me get through some tough times the last 3 years. Thanks for the great prize.

  110. Great prize package....thanks for the chance to win. Have a wonderful new year! I am most grateful for all our new friends who warmly accepted us when we moved into our new home in Delaware.

  111. Thanks for being part of this amazing hop and for the wonderful prize package! I am grateful that the judge approved my son's adoption of his wife's little girl! Looking forward to enjoying my Grandma status in 2016!

  112. Love the card! And thanks for such great prizes. I am grateful for having all my family together this holiday season!

  113. I am grateful for so much! Gods love, my family, nature, and all the crafter's that share their creations!

  114. I am grateful for so much! Gods love, my family, nature, and all the crafter's that share their creations!

  115. I am grateful that my daughter and son-in-law decided to grow their family through foster parenting with the hope to adopt. I was very lucky to be a foster-grandma to a set of two year old twins and their three year old sibling! The four months they were a part of our family were the most fun of the whole year! We look forward to more placements in the coming year...

  116. Love your tree card. I too am very grateful for everything this past year but most of all for my family and our health.

  117. Love you blue/aqua snowflake card I saw above! I'm so grateful that i can sit with my iPad and see inspiration from Cardmakers all over the world! Love your cards, Lisa!

  118. Happy new year and thanks for all your crafty inspirations! I am most thankful for the love and support of my family and friends :)

  119. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  120. I am grateful for my family and that my children work hard and strive to do and be their best!!

  121. Cute wintry card. I am grateful for my 6 grandchildren.
    slrdowney at hotmail dot com

  122. Your frozen card is so crisp, warm and touching. I love snowflakes. Thanks for the giveaway!

  123. Always grateful for big and little things. 2016 will be a new gratitude as I look forward to my first grandchild

  124. I am grateful for family and friends and all the wonderful creative people who share their talents on their blogs!!!

  125. I love your little tree - so cute! What an awesome prize package - thank you and Happy New Year!

  126. Grateful for my family and friends!

  127. I had the opportunity to care for my mother in my home before she passed away in July 2015. She was a joy to care for, and it enriched my life in ways I can't describe. I won't soon forget 2015.

  128. Wonderful card. I am most grateful for the wonderful and powerful gift of friendship God has blessed our family with.

  129. Loving the hop! Thank you for participating.
    I'm so very grateful for my family. And that my sweet hubby puts up with and even encourages my crafty endeavors. :)
    Wishing you a happy new year!

  130. I am grateful for my family! Thanks for being a part of this blog hop! Happy new year!

  131. I am grateful for my kids and family.

  132. My am greatful for my family and good health.

  133. I'm grateful to now be 5 years cancer free!

  134. God's grace & the love/support of family!!!

  135. Thanks for the wonderful prize package! I am thankful for all my wonderful friends, awesome hubby and fabulous kids!

  136. Isn't Reverse Confetti awesome?!! I love your RC creations! I am most thankful for my family!

  137. I am grateful for my six wonderful children!

  138. Very pretty card! Than you for sharing your treasures. Happy New Year!

  139. I am grateful for the chance I had to visit my grandmother for her 98th birthday in August. She passed away in September. Thanks so much for the chance to win your giveaway. :D

  140. Nice card! I'm grateful for my family!

  141. I'm grateful for the blessing of family and good health. Happy New Year! (

  142. I love your card. I'm grateful for my kids and grandson.
    Teresa P

  143. I'm grateful for so much in 2015. A chance to explore my creativity which lie dormant for so many years, a chance to spend quality time weekly with my <2 year old granddaughter who loves to flip through my cooking magazines and play with the pretty colors and inks in my craftroom... those are my top 2. Thanks for the opportunity!

  144. Having fun with this
    huge blog hop! Your
    card is neat looking
    with the tree die.
    Carla from Utah

  145. Happy New Year!!! Hope to stamp more this year! What a great blog hop!!


  146. I'm grateful for my husband! I'm a difficult person and it's not easy to be around me sometimes (ok, most of the time). But he is here and loves me unconditionally. I never thought I would find someone like him! Happy new year!

  147. I am grateful for card making blogs like yours who share their ideas, supplies and love of card making!

  148. Grateful for a BFF who got me into stamping and who still shares the fun of card making together

  149. Adorable card! I am thankful for my friends and family

  150. Happy New Year. I'm grateful that my Mom moved to my city, 2 miles from me.

  151. Happy New Year! I'm grateful for my wonderful husband and son every year. Thanks for always sharing, inspiring and the chance to win

  152. I'm grateful for family and health!

  153. Love your card! Simple and beautiful! Thanks for the inspiration and the chance to win your generous prize package! I am so grateful for the birth of my first grandchild this past year! Happy New Year!

  154. I am grateful for our first grandbaby that is on the way! Thank you for the chance to win your generous prize package. Have a blessed 2016!

  155. A fabulous Blog Hop and an oh so generous giveaway! Many thanks and Happy New Year! I'm grateful for our lovely new home!

  156. FUN card and awesome giveaway, Lisa! Happy New year

  157. Thank you for the opportunity to win such great goodies. I'm thankful to be employed. I was unemployed for a while and it sure did make life challenging. Cheers to you and yours...Happy New Year!

  158. I really like the bold, graphic look of your card. The die cuts are terrific! Happy New Year and thanks for the great giveaway!

  159. Happy New Year's! I am grateful and blessed to have my health and a new job!

  160. Happy New Year and Thank you for this blog hop! I am grateful for my health after surgery in December. Recovery gave me time to prioritize my needs, and being creative is among them.

  161. Happy 2016! Your card is wonderful. Thanks for sharing.
    Thanks for the chance to win some goodies.
    Crafty hugs,
    dmcardmaker at {Gmail} dot com

  162. I'm grateful for all the wonderful gifts that our Lord has shared with me...especially my sweet husband. Thank you so much for your blog and this giveaway. God bless! ILuvTheEucharist (at)

  163. I'm grateful for my health, my family and the opportunity to scrapbook.

  164. Thank you for another great year, Lisa. Your style of cardmaking is MY style of cardmaking...always find inspiration from your blog posts. What I'm most grateful for is my family. Last year was a tough one for me and my family was there to support me, as always. Wishing you a happy and healthy New Year. :)

  165. Great prize Lisa! I'm grateful for my kiddos for sure!! Thanks for a chance to win.

  166. I'm grateful that I found this hobby of cardmaking. I've met wonderful people and made many new friends. Thanks for a chance to win this terrific giveaway.

  167. I am grateful for my family which includes my newest grandson born last April and for my dad reaching 93, but losing him suddenly in July.

  168. I'm grateful for my awesome husband and two wonderful daughters!

    Did we meet quite a few years back at a Cincinnati area gathering for 2 peas, or scrap jazz, or splitcoast stampers? Or maybe some type of stampin up demonstrator gathering? I used to be Amy Flora (florascrap). Got remarried last year. :)

  169. In checking your blog, I see that you have created some very nice cards. I am thankful for my family and wish you and yours the best for 2016!

  170. In checking your blog, I see that you have created some very nice cards. I am thankful for my family and wish you and yours the best for 2016!

  171. So thankful for a happy and peaceful life with my family.

  172. I am so grateful for so many things, health, happiness and most of all my wonderful family. Love your work and looking forward to seeing your inspiring creations in 2016 as I just signed up as a follower. Thanks again for the chance with your great prize. june.swart(at)netzero(dot)net

  173. I am grateful for the kindness and generosity of friends, family and strangers.

  174. Hi. I am most grateful for my family. My parents moved in with me this year and I am happy to have them with me and my family. :) Happy 2016!

  175. That is a really cute card. I am grateful that I have a warm home and a loving family. Thanks for the wonderful giveaway. Happy new year!

  176. AdoraBle card! I am grateful for SO many things this year, but mostly the health & happiness of my friends & family :)

  177. Cute card! I'm extremely grateful for my two little kids, and that they are healthy & happy! Thanks for the chance to win!

  178. I am grateful for family and friends. Happy New Year!

  179. I'm grateful for 3 healthy sons and 5 healthy grandsons.
    ajjupiter58 at gmail dot com

  180. I am so grateful for my communities online where I met LOTS of amazing friends!
    Love your card!


  181. Beautiful card, I love the layers and colors in this card, just great in every way

  182. Very pretty card! Happy 2016! Thanks for the chance to win!

  183. I am thankful for the support and love of my friends.

  184. I am thankful for my healthy family and good friends.

  185. Happy New Year and thank you for sharing and inspiring! I look forward to following you throughout the new year. I am grateful for my wonderful husband... Thank you for the opportunity to enter your giveaway! God Bless you. Eliana from Lakewood

  186. I am so GRATEFUL that I had met a wonderful lady,Sandy, 4 years ago. Her actions spoke louder than words. She was the cook at a local Senior Center and always had a hug for everyone and would always ask about everyone's family members. She really ,genuinely cared about everyone. We shared a Polish heritage and compared traditions passed on by our grandparents. She passed away at the age of 66 on Dec 20th and took a part of my heart with her but left me with a desire to be as caring as she was. I am so grateful that our life paths had crossed, even if it was brief.

  187. I am grateful for my wonderful family :) My daughters and I love to craft together. My husband is supportive of our passion. What could be better? Happy New Year!

  188. I am grateful that my brother and his family were able to come in for Christmas. That was the best Christmas present that I could ask for! I was able to spend about 4 days with them. I have not seen them in about 4 years. However, I have so many blessings and am very blessed just to be living today. Thank you so VERY much for sharing and participating in this blog hop and Happy New Year!!


Thanks so much for your kind and supportive words. I appreciate each of you taking the time to leave some love. Have a great day!