
Monday, January 7, 2019

Seasons Givings WINNER!!!

It's time to announce the winner of my GIVEAWAY! Let me start by saying that wow! I am blown away by all  your sweet kind words and just how many of you took the time to stop by and leave me a comment. I read each and every comment and it sure looks like you all have so much to look forward to in the coming year! Blessings to you all! 

Sooooo, let me get to it! The LUCKY WINNER is......

Love your card!! On a personal note, I'm looking forward to my daughter's wedding in May!

Please email me with your address and I will send out your prize package right away!

Thanks so much to all of you and Cheers to a Happy and Healthy 2019!


Thanks so much for your kind and supportive words. I appreciate each of you taking the time to leave some love. Have a great day!