
Sunday, June 8, 2014

Reverse Confetti June Blog Hop

Happy Summer! It's the 8th of June so that means it's time for the Reverse Confetti Blog hop. This month Jen challenged us to create ABC/T- anything but a card or tag. Right away I knew I wanted to make a layout. 
Hopefully you arrived here from Laurie's blog. If not, be sure to start back at the Reverse Confetti blog. You'll find all the hop details there. Don't forget to leave comments.....there is an RC gift certificate up for grabs. 

I chose some photos from my Instagram and made a 12x12 scrapbook page using lots of Reverse Confetti goodies. 

I loooove the Lighthearted alphabet stamp set. I used it to start my title by stamping them on white cardstock and then cutting out each letter into a square. No measuring, just eyeballed it. I didn't want them to be all the same. I then finished the title with some die cut letters. 

 I added a fun subtitle from Label Me. Yep, it was a perfect sentiment for my family. I also tucked in the smaller Tag me  die and smaller Love Note heart. Lots of black splatter was added throughout my whole layout. I was sure to add it to some of the embellies to tie it all together. 

I used the great house image from Go Together. I stamped it in black archival ink and then cut it out. To help balance my layout, I added another tag and heart, this time the larger tag from Tag Me and the larger heart from Love Note. I tucked in a few Doin' the Wave die cut pieces, too. 

As I flipped through my RC stamps, I added two more. I say this most posts with Reverse Confetti, but I really love how the stamps can be mixed and matched. Here is one from Here We Go and Crushin'.

Thanks so much for hanging with my. It's time to move on and see the rest of the fabulous inspiration. Savannha is up next. Follow me there!

How would you like to win some Reverse Confetti goodies of your very own?  Leave a comment on each stop along the way for a chance to win a $15 gift certificate to REVERSE CONFETTI. Comments are open until Tuesday, June 10 at noon CST, and the winner will be announced on the Reverse Confetti Blog!

A few things before you hop along though, just to keep you “in the know”…
  • April’s SKETCH FOR YOU TO TRY is open for you to play along.  Click HERE for a chance to win. 
  • AND, be on the lookout for another great COLOR challenge on June 16th and another way to win!

Celebrate the creative side of you!



  1. What a fun layout. I'll bet it was so inspiring to work on this!

  2. Wonderful layout, Lisa! I love how you included so many RC products!

  3. Love this layout Lisa, so fun and filled with RC goodness!!

  4. Lisa I love this layout, such a perfect capture of daily life!

  5. Fantastic!! I love those little waves and the sentiments you used!

  6. Such a fun layout! Love all the elements!

  7. Love your page, the stamps and dies are so great too, love them all

  8. Great layout design, so colorful!

  9. Love the layout of a day in your life. Great job

  10. Beautiful layout, perfect papers and elements.


  11. Awesome layout lots to soak in and what a cute dog <3

  12. Very fun and realistic layout! So like my family! Great release!

  13. This is a fantastic layout! So fun!

  14. WOW!! LOVING this!! THANKS for sharing and have a FABULOUS WEEK!! =)

  15. What a great layout! Your yellow lab reminds me of my four legged granddog Callie!

  16. Fabulous layout! A beautiful page filled with tons of RC elements!

  17. You did a most precious layout! All the new love sentiments are so important and this is so perfect! Love all this!

  18. what a great layout, I love the colors, great pictures.

  19. How fun, Lisa, and a great choice of colours... love how you did the lettering! Anita :)

  20. Great layout! I especially love the colors and how you used so many different dies to bring it all together. Great job!

  21. Yay!!! I love this fabulous LO Lisa! Frankly, I find it super refreshing to see a more traditional scrapbook page rather than another project life scenario, which is somewhat too cookie-cutter for my personal taste. I just love to see your own unique style at work, it's part of why I adore you so much and am so inspired by your work. Awesome stuff my friend! Hope you have a GREAT week!!!

  22. This is a great layout using a great deal of stamps and dies.

  23. What a fabulous layout/page, Lisa! I LOVE your papers and design! LOVE your use of soooooooo many stamps and dies! WOW! You nailed this blog hop! FAB as always <3

  24. Great way to capture those "everyday" moments in life!

  25. Love how you used all these RC products on this layout....wonderful.

  26. Lots of great details on this layout--I like your choice of papers.

  27. I am soooo loving this! I've been saying for some time that I'm going to get back in to scrapbooking and I think you've just inspired me to actually get on it! So glad you did a 12x12... this page shows how easy it is to use our cardmaking elements to make GREAT pages, even 12x12! You're my hero today :)

  28. the home stamp is just outstanding!

  29. the home stamp is just outstanding!

  30. FUN layout!!! Love all the pictures and embellishment on your layout :)


Thanks so much for your kind and supportive words. I appreciate each of you taking the time to leave some love. Have a great day!