
Tuesday, April 24, 2012

April Creative Chat-Copics

Hello, Hello! I thought I’d join this month’s Creative Chat with some of my MFT  fellow DT sistahs!  This month we are talking Copics, and Here is what we'll be chatting it up about:

Show us how you store your Copic Markers.
Any tips on special techniques you use with Copic Markers?
Any tips on color-matching your Copic markers to card stock or patterned paper?
Any favorite color combinations you use: skin, hair, shading etc?

Copics are my coloring medium of choice and I used them with almost all my creations these days.  I know a lot of you have them and use them, and then there are a lot of you who may still be on the fence about them.  I hope today I can share a few of my tips and tricks for storage, color choices, and usage.

First up I’ll share how I store my markers.  I started out buying the Caio style and quickly switched to the Sketch markers.  There are a few reasons why I changed, but the main reason is because the color code is printed on the ends of the caps of the markers.  I love that I can look up and see all my colors at a place in these cubbies.  Unfortunately, I do not think this storage option in available.  It was called the Magpie Nesting Storage System.  I got it on for around $20.

  I love that each color family will fit in it’s own cubby.   Since I am still growing my Copic collection, so I have some room to still add to this system.   I actually use one of the cubbies for some  refills, and another one for randome pens, pencils, and other tools I need to keep within reach. 

I wanted to point out, that I have been growing my Copic collection for about 3 years now.  I CANNOT afford to buy all of the markers I want in one shot.  I think a lot of people think this is how you have to buy Copics if you want to be successful with them. You don't.

  You can start small and still have fun working with these fabulous markers.   I think my first order had 12 or so markers, and then I pick up 2 or 3 at a time, sometimes I might get bold and order 6 or 8 sometimes.  I think I have just over 100 markers…. there are still many colors I want, but I will continue to shop in small quantities!! 
 The reason I love these markers and why stampers and crafters in general love them is for their blending capabilities.  When buying your markers make sure you pick a color and choose a light and medium tone, one or two steps in number, so you have the ability to blend successfully. 

The other tool I use with my Copics ALL THE TIME is my color chart.  

I printed out this chart on the X-press Blending cs (the only card stock I use for coloring, now. AND  you can get it from MFT!). If you have not tried this card stock to color on, YOU MUST! 
 You need to print off your chart onto the same cs you use for coloring so you get a true feel of what the colors will actually look like.   This is the key. 

When  I’m matching my designer paper to my markers, I pull out the chart to get a feel of what will work with which particular pack.  After I pull the markers I think I need, I then use a scratch piece of paper to actually test the color.  I’ll scribble a little bit onto the scrap and hold it next to the paper pad. I need to take a note from Jody and actually record the colors on the actual pad.  But until then, this method works for me. 

Here are some of my FAVE color combos for some of my favorite MFT characters.
I used PI-Cute-a-tude   to show you some skin tone and hair color. 

Skin tones-E51, E21, E33 (with a touch of RV42 for cheeks)

and Hair-E13, E17, E19

Here is a sample I did with sweet FRED-Oopsie Daisy.

One of my go-to colors for Fred, Flopsey, and (sometimes precious little lamb and the new Mouse) is this combo of browns.
E41, E43, E44

RV81, RV83, RV85 (on the flower)

YG93, YG95, YG99 (for the grass)

One of my favorite ways to show "sky" and help my image POP,  is to use my B000 marker and a Blending pen 0 to add some shading around my character. 

I start by outlining my image with a thin base of B000. Then I used a Flick-Feathe technique and work out from my image towards the edges of my paper.

 I do this around the middle of my image. Then I go back and soften those lines with the same Flick-Feather technique with my Blending pen. 

See how the edges were softened up. I just love this finishing touch. You can also do this was yellow and make it look like the sun is shining bright behind your image. 

That's it from me today. Join me over at Kim's Blog for the list of DT members chatting it up about Copic markers. I love this monthly segment. I always learn something new!

Teasers start tomorrow. I can't wait!

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  1. I love all of your color examples Lisa!

  2. Love your examples!! I will have to try your hair and skin combos :)

  3. FAB storage Lisa! SO glad I was able to get the Magpie storage too before they stopped making it! LOVE all your color combos and I TOTALLY agree about both buying them a little at a time (which is also what I do) AND using the X-Press It Blending card...I LOVE it!

  4. Just fabulous Lisa!! Thanks so much for sharing!! Love the color combos!!

    Crafty Hugs!

  5. My first Copic Marker case I made was like this.
    Then I converted the grids to use carriage bolts like in the half size ones I make for people.
    I really need to have my markers in order because I teach with them and need to know at the end of the class if all my Copic are going home with me.

  6. Boy I'm glad I got here! I love those cubbies, I'm seriously considering giving up my x-boxes for the cubbies -- thanks for the link to Overstock, I've never looked there for organization stuff! And thanks for showing us your coloring - the PI and Fred - especially Fred for me -- and the blue shadows, have never gotten those right! I know it's an effort for you guys and I truly appreciate these Creative Chats!

  7. I wish I could color like you--AMAZING:) LOVE all your markers!

  8. Awesome job and great info for me! Wrote down lots of coloring recipes from everyone's posts! Thanks for storage tips too! :)


Thanks so much for your kind and supportive words. I appreciate each of you taking the time to leave some love. Have a great day!