
Friday, September 10, 2010

A Little Loveasaurus

Oh, 3 of school yesterday ended in drama, tears, and emotional turmoil. Yep, 3 days in and my boys were spent! They are normally, rough and tough and ALL-BOY, but when 3 long days away from home get a hold of you I guess they break down. So did mama! Both boys got off the bus in tears. School went great, they said, it was the assigned seats on the bus that gave my 3rd. grader his first taste of heart ache and disappointment-you know Real Life! Long story short, he was supposed to sit with his buddy, then the buddy's brother called him to the back of the bus, so my guy was left standing there and forced to sit in the front seat with 2 kindergarten GIRLS!!!! To an 8yr. old, this is devastating. He was so strong, until he saw me and then the tears came a flowin'! THEN my 1st. grader, runs home, locks himself in his room and says he doesn't want to talk. YIKES!!! What is going on???? Turns out, he is upset because his big brother is upset. And he was soooo tired, so that makes the tears flow pretty easy when you're 6. I ended up crying and left to think about how to handle my first of many, I'm sure, heart breaking situations. He's my oldest, so this is all new to me. Okay, sooooo you didn't come here to read about my family issues, but thanks for listening. This blog is a little bit of my therapy, dontcha know!

Here's a couple of quick and easy boy cards I made last month. I used more of that great Making Memories dp and I can't say enough of this sweet Little Loveasaurus. I had different plans for today's post, but yesterday changed all that. Here's a closeup of this cutie. Have a great weekend. I know we are all looking forward to sleeping in tomorrow. Happy weekend!



  1. Ahhh man girl, I am right there with ya! What little traumas our little ones have, right?!? Mine are 6 and 5, so my house is wracked with the same kinds of things. Crazy to think the worst thing of the day is sitting by 2 girls on the bus! LOL! One day that will be the BEST PART of his day, right?!? Hugs to you girlie.

  2. Hi Lisa,

    So sad for your boys! These little dramas can be huge in kids lifes! Did you give them a wonderful loveasaurus of these? Will it help? I liked it a lot, very cute and also tough! Perefect!


  3. What fun! Love the papers you paired up with that adorable image! Enjoy sleeping in tomorrow! I'm going to do the same!

  4. Awww, you and your poor babies!! It will get easier, I'm sure!! Hugs!!

    Cute card, too!!

  5. So cute... Great little boy card :)

  6. Awww this makes me want to cry.. Boys are so sweet. I hate it when their heart gets broken... These cards are adorable.. So sweet..
    TGIF and the weekend.. Hope this isn't posted twice.. Blogger is being mean today..Hugs..

  7. OH NO! I hate it when the days ends like that! Poor little guys and poor mama! My kids have never liked the bus and this year I finally relented and agreed to pick them up after only a few days. I'm cracking up at Michelle's comment above that some day riding with girls will be the best part of his day! Too true!

    Hugs all around- hope today went much better. And adorable card, BTW!

  8. Oh the tragic bus rides! I so remember those too! Maybe talk to the driver, see if that helps! Make sure they have cookies and milk when they get home! LOL

  9. Aw poor sweeties I hope next week is better for them!!

  10. Awww, your poor guys! It's no fun seeing them like that.
    Cute cute card!

  11. poor little guys-hopefully, today will go a lot better for both:) love the cute card, lisa!


Thanks so much for your kind and supportive words. I appreciate each of you taking the time to leave some love. Have a great day!