
Thursday, November 5, 2009

This week has been a very sad one as one of Pink Cat Studion's DT members, Sarah Anderson’s 3 year old son Henry passed away. Little Henry was unable to overcome a virus that made him ill last week. Limelight Papercrafts and I{heart} Papers are teaming up to help honor Henry!

Lorie Ames has organized a way to donate for a memorial for Henry. Henry loved his local zoo and visited it almost every day in the summer. As a memorial, trees will be planted there in his honor. Melissa at Pink Cat Studio has created a digital stamp to help raise funds for a tree for Henry. All proceeds from the sale of the digi stamp, minus Paypal costs, will go towards the tree. If you would like to donate towards the tree, please visit this webpage to purchase the digi stamp: Pink Cat Studio Digi Stamps

Another way to donate to the memorial is to print out this form and mail in your donation directly. Here's the form.
Please write on the form that the donation is for Sarah Anderson’s son Henry. Once all of the money is collected, a tree and location will be selected. If you have questions about the form please contact Lorie Ames. Lorie will be in contact with Sarah along this memorial journey to ensure that her wishes are followed.To contact Lorie, please visit her blog.

If you don’t know Sarah and would like to learn more about her, please visit her blog. Thank you for your help to raise money for a tree for Henry. Here's my card.
Thanks for stopping by today. Sorry the news was so sad, BUT you can help make something good happen from this sorrow. Go get the digi image, today! Hugs and blessings! Lisa


  1. Beautiful card, Lisa. Thanks. I think our links to the digistamps aren't working. Try this:

  2. I still can't believe this, it's so sad. But your card is cute.

  3. Oh Lisa, I am so deeply saddened by reading this. I checked out Sarah's blogs and that just makes it more surreal- reading her loving comments as a mom having no idea what was to come for them. My heart is breaking for them! Thank you for passing along this difficult news.

  4. Beautiful card, Lisa. I was so sad to see this when I started blog surfing this morning. I can't even imagine. What you've done w/ the digi is just darling and I'm sure will lift the spirits of anyone reading your post. HUGS!

  5. Beautiful card for a wonderful cause Lisa...Xx


Thanks so much for your kind and supportive words. I appreciate each of you taking the time to leave some love. Have a great day!