
Monday, March 8, 2010

Good Sunshiney Monday Morning

I can't get enough of this taste of Spring-like weather we are having. I am totally drinking in the sunshine!!! I'm glad you're all here for another fabulous Monday of {ippity} inspiration. I just love these H{ippity} Hops!!! This week our challenge is to Dry Emboss! Use your {ippity} stamps (need some ippity??? I'd be happy to send you some) and keyword IHHC14 when you upload to SCS for a chance at a prize. Here's my card for the challenge this week. I used the new My Mind's Eye paper,Quite Contrary-mmmmmm, love this pack. My dry embossing was achieved by my favorite and quickest way, the swiss dots embossing folder. I did up a whole panel in rose red with it. The stamp set is What Matter's Most! I'm still sending FREE 6x6 paper packs of this dp, with every $50 order! SHOP HERE!Here's a close up of the butterflies and sentiment. Yes, I cut out a bunch of those butterflies and attached them with dimensionals. It was worth the effort. I finished off the inside since my card base was chocolate cs. I'm getting much better at doing this, it really makes a statement AND doesn't take any extra time at all.
ETA: almost forgot to say, this sketch is from Jen DelMuro, A Sketch For You To Try. I've been a long time lurker and finally put one of her's to work!

Make sure you visit the {ippity} blog for the full list of participants (the list keeps getting longer and longer each week-I ♥ THAT! ) Enjoy your day! Hugs, Lisa


  1. OH, Lisa, this is just GORGEOUS!!!!! love the colors you combined and you will laugh, I used the same sentiment stamp on my card today...GMTA! Hugs, Eva

  2. Beautiful! LOVE all the embossing and paper pieced butterflies! Just absolutely GORGEOUS!

  3. Lisa this is amazing. I love the stripes peeking from behind and that bow is amazing :)

  4. so sweet, lisa--love the colors!

    i have a question for you, on my card today (for the hop), i used the debossed side of the impression--would that work for the new challenge?

  5. wow.. a stunning card outside and in!! love the colours and all the details.

  6. Lisa, this Rose Red looks FAB with the MME paper! Love all the details and the cut out butterflies and the inside of your card, and...I love this card!

  7. beautiful!!! Love that bow!!

  8. This is so beautiful Lisa love the colors love everything!!!

  9. So beautiful! Love all the details, wonderful special touches!

  10. OH WOW! I really love this. I get excited every week to open up your blog. Love how you cut out the stamped images and scattered them at the top. Hugs to you girlie!

  11. Oh wow! Beautiful! Love all the details and the wonderful bow. Kim

  12. Lisa,
    I love,love,love this!!! WOW!!! It is such an AMAZING card!!! I love this stamp set and CAN'T WAIT until my budget will allow for some of those new stamps!! THANKS for the wonderful inspiration!!!

  13. Lisa, this card is so pretty! Love the colors and papers you used on this card.

  14. this is gorgeous Lisa.... love those papers.. so yummy...

  15. Lisa your card is fabulous!! Love it!! That big ole ribbon is perfect!!

  16. Lisa, this card is wonderful inside and out! Thanks for sharing.

  17. Oh Lisa! Your card is incredible! Love your colour choices and that big bow is stunning! Beautifully done as always! Have a wonderful day!

  18. Lisa, that is such a wow factor card! Luv the rich colours and luv how you decorated the inside! Simply beautiful!

  19. Fabulous job! LOVE that ribbon and big bow and the stitching rocks! Nice job

  20. What a gorgeous color combination! The elements all tie together so nicely!

  21. How pretty! I love how you did the inside, too!


Thanks so much for your kind and supportive words. I appreciate each of you taking the time to leave some love. Have a great day!