
Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Day 2-There She Goes Sneak Peeks!!!

The fun is just beginning! Today we are peaking 2 sets from the new There She Goes release.

Two totally different sets, but both pack a big punch! First off, again, the bizness!

Hopefully, you just came from my wonderfully talented DT member, Jodi. If not, be sure to head back to the start of the Blog Hop on the TSG BLOG.

You are challenged to leave comments at all the blog hop participants, and then go back to the Mr. Linky Widget and enter your info for a chance at both of these new mini stamp sets!!!! It works, I've won before, and that leaves room for more money to spend in the store on release night! LOL!

So now, on to my cards. The first shows a little of the fun sentiment set, Chem. 101. I used some arrow dies and fun Joy Ride paper and this card just came to be! I look at this and it makes me smile.

Totally switching gears....wait till you see this flower!!!! Ahhhhh, so soft and pretty, dontcha think???
Okay, enough chit chat. I know you've got a lot of hopping to do for a chance at the prize. See full contest details at the TSG Blog. And off you go to visit, Mercy! Hugs, Lisa


  1. Totally fantabulous!! You have the bestest details, girlie!!

  2. The first card is awesome!!! I am in love with the color combo on that gorgeous second card, Lisa!!

  3. two awesome card.. i love the purple.. love spring time

  4. Very nice cards. I particularly like your flower card. I like the different purples and the green. and the use of the ribbon and the twine.

  5. lisa...this is gorgeous! love this color combo, and your layout is sublime! awesome job!

  6. Lisa...this is beautil...the colours are so good together...I like the stitching and the scalloping...really nice!!

  7. Lisa,
    great cards...
    i like the use of the science sentiment all on its own.

  8. Cute science card! Very creative with the arrows and just the sentiment. Your color on the sweet pea is so pretty

  9. Gorgeous- love the purple one- but you knew that already ;) Well, I like them both but ukwim!

  10. Girl...I love the first one with the geeky greeting. I have to check out the rest of the set. I think that would be perfect to make cards for my two boys for.
    The second card is super pretty...even if there is purple on it. Great coloring and layout!
    Hugs and smiles

  11. NO way! Lisa, I ADORE both of these AMAZING cards!! Your Chem 101 card ROCKS my world! TOOOOOO fab!! LOVE the softness of your Sweet Pea card too!!!

  12. Two super cards! Love the arrows and masculine feel to the first card and the soft prettiness of the second.

  13. These are both fabulous Lisa but I LOVE how you did the ribbon on the second one :)

  14. Wow! These are fantastic!! Love the corduroy button - great texture! The ribbon treatment on the second is cool too!

  15. Your cards are beautiful....especially the sweet pea card!

  16. WOW. Loving Both Cards. Nifty button on card one.Pretty colors on card two.

  17. Love the color combo you used for the sweetpea set!

  18. I am so so impressed, little girl! These are amazing!! I am totally *geeking* over your Chem card!

  19. Very pretty Lisa! My favorite is the first card!!

  20. These are so stinking cute! I love everything about this card.
    I am so loving this stamp set!!!!
    Hugs and smiles

  21. i love the softness of your sweet pea card! very beautiful. great color choices

  22. These are both great! Esp love the colors and ribbon on the sweet pea card!

  23. Both cards are fantastic, but I just LOVE how you have the ribbon threaded through the 2nd one. TFS!

  24. Very cute!! I esp. like the top card, it's so different from what I've seen today!!

  25. Wonderful cards you them both!

  26. I love the fun in the first card. The second card is so pretty.

  27. Both of these cards are beautiful Lisa, great job!!

  28. Fabulous cards Lisa! Your colouring and designs are stunning and I love how you combine your colours, I have a slight leaning towards those sweet peas LOL, such gorgeous details and colours. :)

  29. These are great. I am impressed you had time to make two cards for today's hop. Thanks for the extra eye candy.


  30. Chemistry is too cute and Sweet Pea is too beautiful! So "soft"! I've never seen the ribbon done like that before. I think I'll have to try that!

  31. Love these cards! The Chemistry sentiment card is pure fun and I really like the ribbon treatment on the sweetpea card. Thanks for sharing!

  32. These are both so much fun! Fabulous job!

  33. Cool, that first card is super cute! And I love the fresh look of the second!

  34. Lisa...BOTH your cards are just gorgeous...Ok, I have to admit I am in love with the sweet pea set so the last one is kinda my fav...BUT in saying this they both just ROCK!! Xx

  35. What fun color combos...thanks for sharing

  36. Wow... what a gorgeous card! I really love your sweet pea card! Great job!!

  37. Oh, I love the E = mc2 sent.!

  38. Darling chemistry sentiment!

  39. I love the chemistry sentiment!

  40. gorgeous cards! Love the colors on the second.

  41. Awesome job on these, love how the chem card came together! And I just love that sweet pea, I'm gonna have to get it.

  42. The first card is so clever and the second one is beautiful. Thank you!

  43. Both are so pretty!

  44. Lovin' these stamps sets! Can't wait to see the chemistry set one! Beautiful cards Lisa!

  45. I love your style! Gorgeous CAS cards!

  46. OMG what great cards! My fav is the sweet pea one. Love the color combo you used. You did a fab job on these.

  47. OMG what great cards! My fav is the sweet pea one. Love the color combo you used. You did a fab job on these.

  48. I may have missed out on a chance to win the candy, but I still wanted to say I adore your cards, your colouring is just divine! TFS,

    Lee x

  49. WOW! I can't wait to see the Chemistry set one! You make them both irresisible, great cards :)

    Lee x

  50. Wow! Love the saying on the chemistry card with the arrows. And those flowers are jut too sweet and pretty. :)

  51. great stamp sets and t'riffic cards - tfs and thanx for the blog candy opp too!

  52. Love the science card - love how you made it non-chemistry specific!


Thanks so much for your kind and supportive words. I appreciate each of you taking the time to leave some love. Have a great day!