
Saturday, September 26, 2009

Ahhhh, Happiness!

Just a little button happiness from me today! ETA: just to ease some of your worries.... the buttons were seperated into their individual colors for storage. they are just touching here for the photo. hehehe! Oh, and we're celebrating NO MORE diapers! Yep, the little guy at 2 1/2 yrs. old is using the potty and wearing big boy underwear!
And this makes me SO HAPPY! Thanks Jillibean for the awesome opportunity!
So what makes you smile today? Hugs, Lisa


  1. That is a VERY happy day!

    Congrats on making it as a Jillibean guest designer!

  2. EEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! Congratulations, that is soooo awesome that you made the guest dt! And the potty training thing is cool too! Haven't ordered my buttons yet, gotta do that.

  3. Congratulations Lisa! Woo hoo! But gasp... you are letting your different colors of buttons touch and mingle and perhaps become mixed up... oh the horrors! :)

  4. well done to your little guy, that's a great achievement and so is yours


  5. Congratulations! Jilliebean Soup has some awesome products. I can't wait to see your projects as guest DT.

  6. Congrats on both not having a child in diapers and the Jilliebean Soup gig. My son just started going on the potty about four months ago and I was so happy also. lol

  7. Oh my gosh this is great news a BIG CONGRATS to you!!!!

  8. Congrats Lisa, awesome news for you all around, and that Jillybean blog is cool- lots of neat scrapbook pages! you'll fit right in!

    BTW, I'm cracking up about Danielle's message above- about the buttons intermingling because I actually had the same thought! Not that it would bother me, but they obviously were sorted initially! Pretty picture though, so worth it!

  9. Sounds like some awesome news all around, girlie! I saw the Jillybean Soup announcement and was soooo excited for you!! And WAHOOOOO for no more diapers!

  10. Congrats! Jillibean has some cool stuff....and you'll make it look even cooler!

  11. OMG!! That totally rocks!! Well all of it but I can't wait to see DT stuff you come up with!! Congrats!


Thanks so much for your kind and supportive words. I appreciate each of you taking the time to leave some love. Have a great day!