
Tuesday, December 9, 2008

On the 9th Day of Christmas...

...Limelight gave to me-a chance to win some glitter and a cool stamp! Check out JenMaries blog to play her fun game. Also today's special in the Limelight store is
Prima Sprites for only $3.50!
I do have a fun card to share with you today. It is kind of a sneak peek to my sketch card I'll be sharing on Thursday. Ever wonder how many NEW things you can use on one card? This one has almost everything new-to-me on it. I made this right after I got my package last week from Limelight (can I just tell you that the shipping is lightening fast! thanks Mandy!). The card base is SU mellow moss and I colored with Copics and the snowflake brad is from Micheals, but everything else is from Limelight! Have you tried the new distress stickles? If you haven't go get some. They are super cool and add a nice texture to your creations. They are a little chunkier and a little less sparkly than the regular stickles. You will like them, I promise. Besides, its always fun to have something new to play with.

We got our Christmas picture last night! Can you believe it only took 6 tries. The boys were so good and cooperative. My littlest one just loves the camera, so that made it easy. He kept saying "cheese!" and smiling so cute each picture we took. I uploaded the picture and sent it off to Sam's Club to be developed (what did we ever do without digital photo processing). I'll pick them up today and add them to my cards (which I did finish last night). I am right on track for my Wednesday mail day goal. I keep knocking things off my list and boy does it feel good! Hope you are making way with your Holiday to-do lists.
Hugs, Lisa


  1. Your boys are so handsome!!!! Those eyes on your oldest are just lady killers! LOL! BTW, your card is cute too :)

  2. What a cute Christmas picture of your boys!!!! I love it! And the card is just too cute, love the colors. I haven't tried the distress stickles yet, I'll have to get some. Congrats on knocking stuff off your list!

  3. OMG, they are adorable! How lucky you are to get such a great shot (and to have such adorable subjects!)... and to have your cards done. Christmas cards haven't even MADE my list yet! Mine are usually called a Happy New Year's card! :)

  4. Lisa love the card its so super cute...But te boys picture is so so sweet... look at there darling little faces and sweet smiles....Christmas must be crazy at your house and so so much Fun!!!!

  5. Super cute pic Lisa! Only 6 - wow! hehe. I love the card too.

  6. Your card is cute BUT your little guys are ADORABLE!!! what a great pic!!!!

    I wish I had been able to participate in the challenges, but just not enough time in the day!! I have been checking them out everyday though! You guys ROCK!


  7. Cute card and super cute boys! What a great picture!!

  8. I think the Christmas cards is awsome I love the colors. and that you put the card togeher.....

    I LOVE It!!!!! Hotwheels form scs


Thanks so much for your kind and supportive words. I appreciate each of you taking the time to leave some love. Have a great day!