
Friday, December 19, 2008

Hip Hop Hangover

This is post #2, again for the second Friday in a row! Please scroll down to see the Stamp Something Challenge!
I had fun joining the Unity peeps in the Hip Hop Hangover blog hop last week so I wanted to play along again this week. Plus, I made two super cute cards I just wanted to share. I just couldn't help myself, I have to get a stamping fix almost everyday. Although, I won't be stamping again until Monday since we are heading to Michigan for Christmas with my family! I can't wait to see my parents and my siblings and my nieces and nephew. Plus, just about all my girlfriends from HS are in town (there was a big group of us, so this is a huge deal) and we are getting together Sunday morning for brunch! It should be a fabulous weekend. I just hope the weather holds up! Snow and ice are in the forecast. Anyway, I'll overload you today with two posts! Here you go, the two cards I did for the Hip Hop challenges.
This one was for a distress challenge-anyway you want, distress your edges! I tore my edges and then sponged on some Ocean Tides ink. Hey, look, I used my machine again today! I love when I get it threaded! The images are from the November KOTM (it's my FAVE!).

This next card was for the Pie color challenge and it was inspired by my travels that I was thinking about when I was stamping. The chocolate cs is for the crust, the reddish dp is my pie filling (cherry pie, yummy!) and the vanilla is for the whipped cream (can't have pie without the whipped cream, although I'm a Cool Whip kinda girl). Thanks for hoppin' by! Have a wonderful weekend.

Hugs, Lisa


Thanks so much for your kind and supportive words. I appreciate each of you taking the time to leave some love. Have a great day!